798 research outputs found

    Caracterización de las condiciones geológicas para el diseño de cosechas de agua en las comunidades Ocotillo y la Grecia, minicipio de San Juan de Limay, Estelí

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    La caracterización geológica para el diseño de cosechas de agua en las comunidades La Grecia y Ocotillo y sus alrededores, considera la localización de sitios críticos de problemáticas de abastecimiento de agua. La investigación comprende un desarrollo progresivo de diferentes fases que inicia desde la etapa de gabinete, con la recopilación bibliográfica y revisión de la cartografía, hasta el procesamiento de datos geológicos-geotécnicos obtenidos en campo con un reconocimiento geológico y estructural de las áreas de estas comunidades y alrededores, así como muestreos, elaboración de mapas, correlaciones, ensayo de laboratorio de muestras de suelo de los sitios de capas de suelo de 3 sondeos manuales (calicatas) ubicados en los sitios de investigación, usando ensayos de análisis granulométricos de suelos ASTM D-422, clasificación SUCS/AASHTO ASTM D-2487 ó AASHTO M.145, con estos parámetros de suelo obtenidos se procedió a ejecutar el cálculo de la estabilidad de los embalses que se pretenden diseñar en dichas comunidades; además, de los análisis de los resultados que permitan integrar todas las variables en un modelo geológico-geotécnico final. Las áreas de estudio muestran una geología de cuatro unidades litológicas que corresponden a las siguientes unidades: Unidad riolita (Tmci), Unidad, andesita (Tmca), Unidad dacita (Tmcd), Unidad cuaternario (Qal). Se identificaron dos sistemas de deformaciones principales, de orientación NE-SW y NW-SE constituidos por fallas de carácter local de las cuales según sus indicadores cinemáticos su mecanismo de movimiento y deformación es de tipo normal. Los resultados obtenidos de ensayos de análisis granulométricos de suelos (ASTM D-422) y de clasificación SUCS/AASHTO ASTM D-2487 ó AASHTO M.145 nos indicaron que los suelos encontrados en la comunidad La Grecia corresponden a suelos de granos con mayor porcentajes de grano grueso tipo arena y en menor cantidad correspondiente a arcilla. Los suelos encontrados en la comunidad Ocotillo corresponden a suelos de granos con mayores porcentajes de grano fino y menor porcentaje de gravas fina

    On the Specification of Non-functional Properties of Systems by Observation

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    Domain specific languages play a cornerstone role in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) for representing models and metamodels. So far, most of the MDE community efforts have focused on the specification of the functional properties of systems. However, the correct and complete specification of some of their non-functional properties is critical in many important distributed application domains, such as embedded systems, multimedia applications or e-commerce services. In this paper we present an approach to specify QoS requirements, based on the observation of the system actions and of the state of its objects. We show how this approach can be used to extend languages which specify behavior in terms of rules, and how QoS characteristics can be easily expressed and reused across models. We show as well how this approach enables the specification of other important properties of systems, such as automatic reconfiguration of the system when some of the QoS properties change.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2008-031087Junta de Andalucía P07-TIC-0318

    Innovación de servicios: plan de negocio de una estancia infantil subsidiada por la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social en la zona conurbada de Colima, Col.

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    El presente proyecto es un análisis de factibilidad para la apertura y operación de una estancia infantil en la zona conurbada del estado de Colima. Este proyecto está pensado para ser parte de la red de estancias infantiles que opera la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social a través de particulares. El plan de negocios se realizó a partir de estrategias de marketing y el conocimiento del comportamiento de la industria en México y en la entidad. Se llevó a cabo un análisis FODA de varias instituciones de carácter privado-subrogado que ofrecen servicio de cuidado y atención a menores como el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), el Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE) y los Centros de Desarrollo Infantil (CENDIS). De estas instituciones, el servicio que se plantea en este trabajo se distinguirá por su imagen y el público al que va dirigido

    Formal Visual Modeling of Real-Time Systems in e-Motions: Two Case Studies

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    e-Motions is an Eclipse-based visual timed model transformation framework with a Real-Time Maude semantics that supports the usual Maude formal analysis methods, including simulation, reachability analysis, and LTL model checking. e-Motions is characterized by a novel and powerful set of constructs for expressing timed behaviors. In this paper we illustrate the use of these constructs --- and thereby implicitly investigate their suitability to define real-time systems in an intuitive way --- to define and formally analyze two prototypical and very different real-time systems: (i) a simple round trip time protocol for computing the time it takes a message to travel from one node to another, and back; and (ii) the EDF scheduling algorithm.Comment: In Proceedings AMMSE 2011, arXiv:1106.596

    A Fungal Effector With Host Nuclear Localization and DNA-Binding Properties Is Required for Maize Anthracnose Development

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    Plant pathogens have the capacity to manipulate the host immune system through the secretion of effectors. We identified 27 putative effector proteins encoded in the genome of the maize anthracnose pathogen Colletotrichum graminicola that are likely to target the host’s nucleus, as they simultaneously contain sequence signatures for secretion and nuclear localization. We functionally characterized one protein, identified as CgEP1. This protein is synthesized during the early stages of disease development and is necessary for anthracnose development in maize leaves, stems, and roots. Genetic, molecular, and biochemical studies confirmed that this effector targets the host’s nucleus and defines a novel class of double-stranded DNA-binding protein. We show that CgEP1 arose from a gene duplication in an ancestor of a lineage of monocot-infecting Colletotrichum spp. and has undergone an intense evolution process, with evidence for episodes of positive selection. We detected CgEP1 homologs in several species of a grass-infecting lineage of Colletotrichum spp., suggesting that its function may be conserved across a large number of anthracnose pathogens. Our results demonstrate that effectors targeted to the host nucleus may be key elements for disease development and aid in the understanding of the genetic basis of anthracnose development in maize plants.Fil: Vargas, Walter Alberto. Universidad de Salamanca; España. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Sanz Martín, José M.. Universidad de Salamanca; EspañaFil: Rech, Gabriel E.. Universidad de Salamanca; EspañaFil: Armijos Jaramillo, Vinicio D.. Universidad de Salamanca; EspañaFil: Rivera Rodriguez, Lina Patricia. Universidad de Salamanca; EspañaFil: Echeverria, María de Las Mercedes. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Díaz Mínguez, José M.. Universidad de Salamanca; EspañaFil: Thon, Michael R.. Universidad de Salamanca; EspañaFil: Sukno, Serenella A.. Universidad de Salamanca; Españ

    Percolación y lixiviación de nitrógeno durante el establecimiento y mantenimiento de gramas de césped en el sur de Puerto Rico.

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    Inadequate nutrient and irrigation management of turfgrass may result in nitrate (N03) losses by leaching, and may contribute to elevated N03-N concentrations in groundwater. A field study was conducted to evaluate the effect of three irrigation levels on the N03-N concentration in soil solution and the mass of total N03-N lost by leaching for three grasses: Bermuda [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.], Centipede [Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro.) Hack], and Zoysia manila [Zoysia matrella (L.) Merr.]. The study was conducted at Juana Díaz, Puerto Rico, on a San Antón soil (fine-clayey, montmorillonitic, isohyperthermic Cumulic Haplustolls) from June 2001 until September 2002. Soil water N03-N concentrations below the root zone were obtained from water samples collected from suction lysimeters. The levels of irrigation applied were 75,100 and 125% of the daily evapotranspiration (ET), calculated by using the pan evaporation method. Grass was fertilized with 165 kg N/ha/yr, split into four applications. The Bermuda grass exhibited the highest rate of horizontal growth (cover), reaching maximum cover in 45 days, whereas the others reached maximum cover in 120 days. Bermuda grass was the most efficient in reducing the loss of N03-N, with a mean annual soil water concentration below the root zone of 3.24 mg/L, whereas Zoysia and Centipede grasses were less efficient with mean annual soil water concentrations below the root zone of 17.4 and 17.8 mg/L, respectively. The soil solution concentration of N03-N did not change significantly for the Bermuda grass with increases in the level of irrigation. However, lower mean annual N03-N concentrations were observed for the Centipede and Zoysia grasses at the irrigation levels of 100% and 75% ET, with mean values of 14.0 and 11.1 mg/L, respectively. The Bermuda grass had an acceptable color index at the 100% ET, and resulted in decreased N03-N concentrations and mass losses. On the other hand, Zoysia and Centipede grasses presented a commercially acceptable color index and minimal N03-N leaching at the 75% ET irrigation level. The results from this study provide valuable information related to water and nutrient management for the turfgrass industry in southern Puerto Rico.Un manejo inadecuado de gramas de césped puede incrementar las concentraciones de nitrato (N03-) en el agua del suelo y causar mayor lixiviación de nitrógeno (N) a aguas subterráneas. Se realizó un experimento de campo en Juana Díaz, Puerto Rico, de junio 2001 a septiembre 2002. Se evaluó el efecto de tres niveles de riego en la calidad de la grama, la extracción de N, concentración de N03-N en la solución del suelo y la pérdida de N03-N usando tres gramas de césped: Bermuda [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.], Ciempiés [Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro) Hack.] y Zoysia manila [Zoysia matrella (L.) Merr.]. El suelo pertenece a la serie San Antón (fino arcilloso, montmorilonítico, isohipertérmico Cumulic Haplustolls). Las concentraciones de nitrato por debajo de la zona radicular se obtuvieron de lisímetros. Los niveles de riego aplicado fueron 75,100 y 125% de la evapotranspiración diaria, calculada por medio del método del tanque de evaporación. Las gramas se fertilizaron con un total de 165 kg N/ha, dividido en cuatro aplicaciones al año. La grama Bermuda obtuvo la máxima cobertura en 45 días, mientras que las demás gramas obtuvieron máxima cobertura en 120 días. La grama Bermuda fue la más eficiente en reducir la concentración de N03-N, con una concentración promedio anual de 3.24 mg/L, mientras que las gramas Zoysia y Ciempiés fueron menos eficientes, con valores de 17.4 y 17.8 mg/L, respectivamente. Las concentraciones de N03-N no cambiaron significativamente para la grama Bermuda al aumentar el nivel de riego. Sin embargo, se obtuvieron menores concentraciones promedios anuales en Ciempiés y Zoysia con los niveles de riego de 100% y de 75%, respectivamente. La grama Bermuda obtuvo un buen índice de color, y reducción en la pérdida de N03-N en el nivel de riego de 100%. En contraste, las gramas Zoysia y Ciempiés presentaron un color aceptable y menor lixiviación de N03-N con el nivel de riego de 75%

    Cell dedifferentiation and epithelial to mesenchymal transitions during intestinal regeneration in H. glaberrima

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Determining the type and source of cells involved in regenerative processes has been one of the most important goals of researchers in the field of regeneration biology. We have previously used several cellular markers to characterize the cells involved in the regeneration of the intestine in the sea cucumber <it>Holothuria glaberrima</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have now obtained a monoclonal antibody that labels the mesothelium; the outer layer of the gut wall composed of peritoneocytes and myocytes. Using this antibody we studied the role of this tissue layer in the early stages of intestinal regeneration. We have now shown that the mesothelial cells of the mesentery, specifically the muscle component, undergo dedifferentiation from very early on in the regeneration process. Cell proliferation, on the other hand, increases much later, and mainly takes place in the mesothelium or coelomic epithelium of the regenerating intestinal rudiment. Moreover, we have found that the formation of the intestinal rudiment involves a novel regenerative mechanism where epithelial cells ingress into the connective tissue and acquire mesenchymal phenotypes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results strongly suggest that the dedifferentiating mesothelium provides the initial source of cells for the formation of the intestinal rudiment. At later stages, cell proliferation supplies additional cells necessary for the increase in size of the regenerate. Our data also shows that the mechanism of epithelial to mesenchymal transition provides many of the connective tissue cells found in the regenerating intestine. These results present some new and important information as to the cellular basis of organ regeneration and in particular to the process of regeneration of visceral organs.</p

    Buccodental health and oral mucositis : clinical study in patients with hematological diseases

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue valorar si un buen estado buco-dental (valorado mediante índices dento-gingivales), se asociaba a una menor incidencia y gravedad de mucositis oral en pacientes con enfermedades hematológicas que iban a recibir tratamiento con quimioterapia o un trasplante de médula ósea. Diseño del estudio: El estudio se llevó a cabo en 97 pacientes ingresados en el Servicio de Hematología del Hospital Duran y Reynals en Barcelona en los años 2002-2003. Estos pacientes recibían tratamiento con quimioterapia o bien el acondicionamiento previo a un trasplante de médula ósea. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo analizando un índice dental, dos índices gingivales y la higiene oral y su relación con la aparición de mucositis. Resultados: Los pacientes que durante la quimioterapia mostraron valores elevados del índice de placa (IP) y gingival (IG) presentaron un mayor porcentaje de mucositis (77.4% y 65.7% respectivamente) frente a los que tenían poca placa o ésta no era visible. En el caso del IP las diferentas fueron estadísticamente significativas (p=0.015). Asimismo los pacientes que cepillaban los dientes 3veces/día sólo presentaron mucositis en un 26.7% de los casos, frente a los que no cepillaban o lo hacían una vez al día (65.9% y 68.4%), siendo estas diferencias también estadísticamente significativas (p=0.013). El ICAO mostró resultados similares en los pacientes con o sin mucositis (7.59 y 7.03 respectivamente). Conclusiones: En nuestro trabajo, un buen estado gingival así como una buena higiene oral durante la quimiorradioterapia, se asocian a una menor incidencia y gravedad de mucositis

    LPS-Induced Genes in Intestinal Tissue of the Sea Cucumber Holothuria glaberrima

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    Metazoan immunity is mainly associated with specialized cells that are directly involved with the immune response. Nevertheless, both in vertebrates and invertebrates other organs might respond to immune activation and participate either directly or indirectly in the ongoing immune process. However, most of what is known about invertebrate immunity has been restricted to immune effector cells and little information is available on the immune responses of other tissues or organs. We now focus on the immune reactions of the intestinal tissue of an echinoderm. Our study employs a non-conventional model, the echinoderm Holothuria glaberrima, to identify intestinal molecules expressed after an immune challenge presented by an intra-coelomic injection of lipopolysaccharides (LPS). The expression profiles of intestinal genes expressed differentially between LPS-injected animals and control sea water-injected animals were determined using a custom-made Agilent microarray with 7209 sea cucumber intestinal ESTs. Fifty (50) unique sequences were found to be differentially expressed in the intestine of LPS-treated sea cucumbers. Seven (7) of these sequences represented homologues of known proteins, while the remaining (43) had no significant similarity with any protein, EST or RNA database. The known sequences corresponded to cytoskeletal proteins (Actin and alpha-actinin), metabolic enzymes (GAPDH, Ahcy and Gnmt), metal ion transport/metabolism (major yolk protein) and defense/recognition (fibrinogen-like protein). The expression pattern of 11 genes was validated using semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Nine of these corroborated the microarray results and the remaining two showed a similar trend but without statistical significance. Our results show some of the molecular events by which the holothurian intestine responds to an immune challenge and provide important information to the study of the evolution of the immune response

    Identification and functional analysis of novel phosphorylation sites in the RNA surveillance protein Upf1.

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    One third of inherited genetic diseases are caused by mRNAs harboring premature termination codons as a result of nonsense mutations. These aberrant mRNAs are degraded by the Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay (NMD) pathway. A central component of the NMD pathway is Upf1, an RNA-dependent ATPase and helicase. Upf1 is a known phosphorylated protein, but only portions of this large protein have been examined for phosphorylation sites and the functional relevance of its phosphorylation has not been elucidated in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using tandem mass spectrometry analyses, we report the identification of 11 putative phosphorylated sites in S. cerevisiae Upf1. Five of these phosphorylated residues are located within the ATPase and helicase domains and are conserved in higher eukaryotes, suggesting a biological significance for their phosphorylation. Indeed, functional analysis demonstrated that a small carboxy-terminal motif harboring at least three phosphorylated amino acids is important for three Upf1 functions: ATPase activity, NMD activity and the ability to promote translation termination efficiency. We provide evidence that two tyrosines within this phospho-motif (Y-738 and Y-742) act redundantly to promote ATP hydrolysis, NMD efficiency and translation termination fidelity